Dec 20, 2023
‘When we can combine our urge to be happy with wisdom instead of ignorance it becomes a homing instinct for freedom.’
This is one of the insights I was most eager to explore with renowned Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg from her new book, Finding Your Way: Meditations, Thoughts, and Wisdom for Living an Authentic...
Jul 13, 2023
“What choices will lead me to greater integration and wholeness?” renowned author, meditation pioneer, and teacher Sharon Salzberg asks in her latest book, Real Life: The Journey from Isolation to Openness and Freedom.
"We’re told so many stories about who we are and what we are capable of that are given to us....
Jan 12, 2023
The moment I read the title of Pico Iyer’s new book — The Half Known Life: In Search of Paradise — I was hooked.
Yet, the more I read about people’s pursuits, the more I began to question the notion of paradise.
“The struggle of your life is your paradise.” — Eido Roshi
Pico’s life offers him an...
Dec 8, 2022
The first lesson I learned in The Greater Good Science Center’s Science of Happiness course is that I had the wrong definition of happiness.
Happiness isn’t solely our positive states, we learn from Science Director Dr.Emiliana Simon-Thomas. It’s feeling content within our whole human experience, which of...
Oct 27, 2022
When Tembi Locke was in her twenties she left a letter in a drawer at a coffee shop that read: "I want to live a life of love and companionship."
Her heart-expanding memoir and Netflix series, From Scratch, encapsulates its manifestation across three love stories: With her late husband Saro, daughter Zoela, and...